I witnessed there a quasi scientific method for channeling creativity

Now a freelance designer, Athime de Crécy was one of the rare talents to be spotted directly by Philippe Starck, who was intrigued by his diploma project on connected radiators. Today, he is one of the French designers selected for Rising Talents and exhibited this autumn at Maison & Objet.

Having just graduated from ECAL, Athime de Crécy went straight to Philippe Starck's agency, where he stayed for five years. From this experience, he will retain a multidisciplinary vision: "We mainly talked about uses, about what happens in "real life". I learned not to limit myself in my approach, that all subjects can be tackled." He appreciates a method that is in line with his training at the Swiss school: "They are similar states of mind. I found myself in this uncompromisingly rational approach. In a way, Philippe Starck has virtually defined a scientific method for "channelling" his creativity.  There are around ten of them in the design department, sometimes participating in projects in other departments.  Athime de Crécy has worked extensively with wood: he took part in research for Rex (Andreu World), which pushed back the limits of 2D plywood molding, as well as the Wood collections for Kartell, which explored 3D molded wood. "We were pushing the technique very far, it was uncompromising and exciting. He has this power to make things exciting." Behind the many to-ing and fro-ing that the team manages, Philippe Starck remains very much present. While Athime points out that not all the projects he has worked on have been released, he feels that Philippe Starck always "pushes us to seek out the most cutting-edge technology", sometimes barely mastered, in order to test again and again, and remain innovative. It's a major collective effort, which he particularly emphasizes: "I like to remember that, starting with inert matter, there's a crazy number of people coordinating to get to the finished product!"

Athime de Crécy decided to set up his own business a year ago: "I felt it was a question of balance, that it was the right time. I was already doing one-offs and limited series, and now I'm moving back towards more industrial design".  It was Philippe Starck who sponsored him for the Rising Talent awards, as president of the jury: a fine recognition of his skills, if it were necessary. The young man already has to his credit a piece that has entered the collections of the Mobilier national (Fresnel lamp). At Maison & Objet, he will be exhibiting a scooter prototype, a range of furniture that skilfully integrates electronic devices, and a coffee table with soothing curves, called Galiléo, which moves very easily, in line with the idea of fitting into these "moving" spaces, recomposed as our needs change.  Rest assured, the maestro's message is clear: Athime de Crécy intends to "tackle all subjects" without restricting himself!

Nathalie Degardin for Intramuros